Our Products

We are leaders in the manufacture of electrical safety equipment and accessories
for low voltage and medium voltage networks.

Overhead Distribution

Equipment and materials for low and medium voltage power distribution lines.

Underground Distribution

Materials and connection kits, splices and terminations for low and medium voltage underground networks.

Electrical Safety

Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) and Security Equipment for electrical distribution and transmission networks (with and without tension).


Our Products

We are leaders in the manufacture of electrical safety equipment and accessories for low voltage and medium voltage networks.

Overhead Distribution

Equipment and materials for low and medium voltage power distribution lines.

Underground Distribution

Materials and connection kits, splices and terminations for low and medium voltage underground networks.

Electrical Safety

Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) and Security Equipment for electrical distribution and transmission networks (with and without tension).

Frequently Asked


Do you provide technical advice?

We carry out technical advice for all the products we sell, as well as providing advice on their selection, installation, use and maintenance. By means of: training talks among customers and distributors; visits to our plant for product demonstration and technical visits tailored to each client. Our Commercial Technical team will be available to assist you upon request.

Can I become an authorized distributor?

Yes, SICAME Argentina is always looking for the best commercial alliances around the world. We currently have a network of authorized distributors and representatives in Argentina and Latin America, which meets the highest standards. If you are interested in being part of our network of distributors, you can contact us at the following address, and we will respond: E-mail: – Subject: “I want to be a Distributor”

Does Sicame Argentina have post-sale service?

Yes, at SICAME Argentina, we offer post-sale service on the following products:
• Hot-sticks.
• Voltage Detectors
• Insulated platforms
• Electronic equipment

You can contact us through the following phone/mail and our team will assist you in whatever is necessary to meet your needs: +541132927900

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